Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Bandung High Technology Valley

Bandung High Technology Valley

Senangnya Ilmu Komputer

Kulawarga Perguruan Tinggi Bandung

Keluarga Mahasiswa Bandung
(Peneliti Muda Bandung)

A couple of years ago, the year 2000, we all fell in love with dotcom companies. Information Technology (IT) became a buzzword. I don’t even know what it really means. showed people how an online bookstore operates. Everybody wants to be part of the action.

Everybody wants to be “amazoned”. Silicon Valley became the destination place for many programmers, engineers, and managers. Cities in the world wanted to be “siliconized”. So did (and still does) Bandung. This is a story of Bandung High-Tech Valley.


In 1996, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Indonesia (MITI) hired McKinsey to create a
plan for MITI. There are some suggestions, such as:

ƒ Electronic Super Sites (ESS)
ƒ Super Highway / 3 Jalur Kemudahan (Koridor Cilegon-Jakarta-Cikampek-
ƒ Incentive, Taxation, Training
ƒ Domestic market – distribution
ƒ Bandung High Tech Valley (BHTV)
ƒ Technology Transfer Agency
ƒ Software and Engineering Support Development

As you can see from the above list, one of the suggested plans is to start the “Bandung High-Tech Valley” (BHTV) initiative. Another recommendation from the report is an export target of US$ 30 billions in Electronics. The definition of “electronics” at that time included information technology, modules and components, semiconductor, consumer electronics, telecommunications, and home appliances. I think the term may have changed to signify the importance of information technology.

The year 1997 was a bad year for many countries in Asia, including Indonesia. Economic crisis hit the region like a tornado. The 1996 plan seemed useless or at least was not a priority. It was unconceivable that we could get through from this crisis. But we finally managed. In 1999 we took an interest in reviving the Bandung High Tech Valley initiative. At the same time IT, the Internet, and dotcoms seemed to provide us with opportunities. Thus, there is a resurged of interests in BHTV. We changed some of the targets, though. The “IT bubble” went bust in 2001. Many dotcom companies collapsed. Is BHTV still relevant then? I think it still is.

As you can see from the above list, one of the suggested plans is to start the “Bandung High-Tech Valley” (BHTV)

initiative. Another recommendation from the report is an export target of US$ 30 billions in Electronics. The definition of “electronics” at that time included information technology, modules and components, semiconductor, consumer electronics, telecommunications, and home appliances. I think the term may have changed to signify the importance of information technology.

The year 1997 was a bad year for many countries in Asia, including Indonesia. Economic crisis hit the region like a tornado. The 1996 plan seemed useless or at least was not a priority. It was unconceivable that we could get through from this crisis. But we finally managed. In 1999 we took an interest in reviving the Bandung High Tech Valley initiative. At the same time IT, the Internet, and dotcoms seemed to provide us with opportunities. Thus, there is a resurged of interests in BHTV. We changed some of the targets, though. The “IT bubble” went bust in 2001. Many dotcom companies collapsed. Is BHTV still relevant then? I think it still is. Valley. When they went back to Indonesia, they pushed the idea of creating prosperity through high tech; semiconductors and telecommunications. Not many people understood.

Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

LITBANG Mobil Listrik ITS

Mahasiswa ITS Luncurkan Mobil Hemat Bahan Bakar

Surabaya, - Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) Surabaya meluncurkan dua mobil hemat bahan bakar minyak (BBM) yang diberi nama "Sapu Angin 1" dan "Sapu Angin 2, di Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Selasa(12/10).

Sapu Angin I merupakan prototipe futuristik mobil hemat energi yang akan disertakan pada ajang "Shell Eco-Marathon (SEM) Asia 2010" di Sirkuit Internasional Sepang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 8-10 Juli 2010.

Peluncuran yang ditandai dengan running test itu disaksikan Rektor ITS Prof Priyo Suprobo dan Presiden Direktur PT Shell Indonesia, Darwin Silalahi, Sapu Angin I diuji coba di Sirkuit Kenjeran Park, Surabaya.

"Sapu Angin 1" merupakan mobil futuristic prototypes mirip gokart dengan target satu liter BBM untuk jarak tempuh 1.000 kilometer," kata manajer tim Sapu Angin 1, M Agus Setiawan.

Sementara itu, mobil "Sapu Angin 2" merupakan mobil urban concept vehicle mirip mobil roda empat yang konvensional, namun hanya berisi 1-2 penumpang dengan target satu liter BBM untuk jarak tempuh 300 kilometer.

"Target Sapu Angin 1 memang juara, tapi target Sapu Angin 2 adalah diproduksi untuk mobil masa depan pada 25-30 tahun mendatang," kata mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Mesin pada Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) ITS Surabaya itu.

Untuk membuat rangka dan badan mobil dengan sistem ini, mahasiswa mempelajarinya di PT Maruline Maju Utama, perusahaan pembuat kapal fiber di Surabaya. Kemudian, mahasiswa membuat sendiri di bengkel Teknik Mesin ITS.

Mesin yang digunakan mesin 35 cc dengan sistem injeksi, chassis tube titanium. Untuk sensor komposisi udara, temperatur, dan tekanan menggunakan sensor optik. Sistem kemudinya, go- kart pitman arm steering dan rem cakram.

"Ada 14 mahasiswa angkatan 2005 dan 2006 yang bekerja keras merancang dan membuat kedua jenis mobil itu, setelah berguru selama seminggu kepada perusahaan pabrikasi kapal di Kenjeran, Surabaya itu. Kami memulai rencana pada Agustus 2009," paparnya.

Namun, katanya, pihaknya juga belajar dari sejumlah juara dalam lomba mobil hemat BBM tingkat internasional di Eropa yang sudah berlangsung sejak 25 tahun silam, yakni konsep monoqouce atau kerangka mobil dan bodi mobil dalam satu rangkaian.

"Semuanya dilakukan mahasiswa sendiri mulai dari membuat desain, mencari bahan baku, mengelas, melakukan pembubutan, dan seterusnya hingga selesai," tuturnya menjelaskan.

Ditanya kelebihan mobil "Sapu Angin" itu, ia mengaku konsep monoqouce membuat mobil terasa ringan, kemudian sistem injeksi pada mesin (EFI) membuat mobil hemat BBM dan ramah lingkungan dibandingkan dengan sistem karburator (sistem semprot).

"Bobot mobil juga berkisar 35-40 kilogram dengan bahan baku fiberglas untuk bodi, sedangkan kerangka menggunakan poly-euretane (gabus padat)," tuturnya.

Menurut Manager Media Relations, External Affairs, & Communication PT Shell Indonesia Fathia Syarif, ajang Shell Eco-Marathon Asia akan diikuti empat perguruan tinggi negeri, yakni Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Universitas Indonesia (UI), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), dan ITS, dengan sembilan mobil hemat bahan bakar. ITB dan UI masing-masing akan membuat tiga mobil hemat bahan bakar, ITS dua jenis, dan UGM satu unit.

Dengan konsep itu, tim ITS yakin akan menang dalam kompetisi SEM tingkat Asia yang pertama kali digelar, apalagi pengalaman mahasiswa ITS merancang sepeda motor dan mobil hemat BBM merupakan modal berharga untuk lomba mobil berkecepatan maksimal 25 kilometer per jam itu.